As we approach the holiday season, we reflect on the challenges and successes we’ve experienced throughout the year. We feel grateful for the friends, clients, and family members who have enriched our lives. This week, take time to celebrate others through random acts of kindness. Here are some ideas.
MONDAY: Be an active listener
Listen carefully to others so you hear what they have to say. Show genuine interest and focus on asking questions.
TUESDAY: Tell someone why you appreciate them
Take the time to let someone know what they mean to you. Do this with a handwritten note, a phone call, or ask someone out to lunch.
WEDNESDAY: Volunteer to help
Everyone can use a helping hand. Offer to do a chore or run an errand. Or volunteer at a local food bank, church or animal shelter.
THURSDAY: Give a small, thoughtful gift
Pick up some small gifts for those you care about. These items don’t need to be expensive, just a sincere token of appreciation that comes from the heart.
FRIDAY: Perform a random act of kindness
Look for ways to pay it forward. Do something nice for someone and don’t expect anything in return. Deliver a meal to an elderly neighbor, buy someone coffee, or let a stranger cut in front of you in line.
SATURDAY: Donate to charity
Donate food, money or clothing to a local charity in your community.
It always feels good to receive a smile from a stranger. Today, make it a point to smile at everyone you see.
We know relationships can be hard and that’s why Awkward Agent is here to help! With a marketing gallery packed full of ideas, we make sure there is never a moment of awkward silence with your clients. Get started by contacting us today!