
How To Use Touchpoint Marketing To Get More Leads And Close More Deals


Touchpoint marketing is a powerful tool for realtors looking to increase their business. By focusing on building relationships with potential clients at every stage of the buying and selling process, realtors can increase trust and brand loyalty. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the ways that realtors can utilize touchpoint marketing to get more business.

#1: What is Touchpoint Marketing?

Touchpoint marketing is a strategy that focuses on creating and leveraging multiple points of contact with potential clients. The goal is to create a relationship with the client that extends beyond the initial transaction. By building trust and establishing a rapport with the client, realtors can increase the likelihood of repeat business and referrals.

There are many different touchpoints that realtors can utilize in their marketing efforts. These can include social media, email marketing, direct mail, phone calls, pop-bys, handwritten notes, text messages, events, and more. The key is to create a consistent and personalized experience for the client at every stage of the buying or selling process.

#2: Identify Your Target Audience

The first step in implementing a successful touchpoint marketing strategy is to identify your target audience. Who are the people that you want to reach? What are their needs and pain points? What motivates them to buy or sell a home?

Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience, you can begin to tailor your messaging and touchpoints to their specific needs. For example, if you are targeting first-time homebuyers, you might focus on educational content that explains the homebuying process step-by-step.

#3: Create a Personalized Experience

One of the key elements of touchpoint marketing is creating a personalized experience for the client. This means taking the time to understand their needs and preferences and tailoring your messaging to resonate with them.

One effective way to create a personalized experience is to use data and analytics to track the client’s behavior and preferences. By analyzing their interactions with your website, social media channels, and other touchpoints, you can gain valuable insights into their interests and needs. This can help you to tailor your messaging and touchpoints to better resonate with them.

#4: Use Multiple Touchpoints

Another important aspect of touchpoint marketing is using multiple touchpoints to reach the client. This means leveraging a variety of channels and mediums to create a consistent and cohesive experience for the client.

For example, you might use social media to share educational content and engage with potential clients. You could also send personalized emails that offer helpful tips and advice or use direct mail to send targeted offers and promotions.

#5: Provide Value at Every Touchpoint

At every touchpoint, it’s important to provide value to the client. This means offering something that is relevant and useful to them, whether it’s educational content, personalized advice, or a special offer.

By providing value at every touchpoint, you can build trust and establish a rapport with the client. This can lead to repeat business and referrals down the line.

Awkward Agent Is Here To Help!

Touchpoint marketing is a powerful tool for realtors looking to increase their business. By creating a personalized and consistent experience for the client at every stage of the buying or selling process, realtors can build trust and establish a relationship that extends beyond the initial transaction. Learn how Awkward Agent can help. Visit

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